We Are Involved Media

An egoless agency where service you can trust meets high impact clout.

Targeting Precision

Involved Media


The market of ESG data providers is highly competitive, with giants like Bloomberg operating in the space for years. The goal for TSX was to not only drive awareness of their own Datalinx ESG data offering, but also to generate leads.

Datalinx struggled with generating leads from paid media in the past, so finding strategic and innovative solutions was a top priority for Involved Media.


A full-funnel campaign designed to break through the clutter of B2B messaging and drive engagement.

Campaign utilized social, search, direct, and CTV – specifically aimed at decision-makers in target companies.


  • The campaign generated 11 leads within the first 2 months – marking the first time this business line received leads from paid media. LinkedIn acted as the primary driver of leads, building on the awareness and interest generated by other channels.
  • Paid search has become the #1 driver of site traffic, driving 2x higher average engagement time than other traffic sources.

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